Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Life is to short

Life is way to short to be mad, hold anything against anyone. I HATE when people fight.  People fight and say stuff even when they dont mean it. even if its friends or family.   I love my family, and jeffs family so much and I know that I don't tell them very much, I could imagine anything happening to any of them.  Friends come and go but family stays.  Don't take anything for granted because you never know when it will taken from you. Live everyday to the fullest and express your feelings to those people you love. I know I have said stuff when I have been mad and I dont even mean it.  The reason why I am saying this is because I came home this morning from work coming down 4000 and It was really slippery and I had a vision I guess you could say. and in my vision the railroad gaurd came down and killed me.  WELL, after my vision  I was coming down and the rainroad was coming down and I tried slowing down well it was really slippery and I couldn't stop I was sliding. well the gaurd rail was almost down on top of me so I gassed it. after I passed it. I stopped and a man that was in the car going the other way saw it and asked me if I was ok. and said If I didn't gas it when I did then It would of hit me. he said it was inch away from my car. So thank you kind man to check on me. so life is way to short. ENJOY your family and friends because you DONT know when they will be takin away from here...... Like the song and what my mom ALWAYS said LIVE LIKE YOU WERE DYING and don't fight with anyone because you never know when they are gone...