I cant believe my BABY is not a baby anymore. she is now 3 years old. holy cow. jerz where has the time gone. How can you NOT love this face. I KNOW I say she is the devils child. but since having Jax she has became really good. She asts like she is his mom. She loves holding him. Happy birthday baby girl. WE LOVE YOU!!!
weLComE to OUr bLOg. heRE is A liTTLe bIt abOUt uS. wE haVE beEN marRIEd foR 8 yeARs. We haVE 2 beaUTIful giRLS anD 2 haNDSOme boYS. wE loVE to HUnt wiTH ouR DOgs, rIDing ouR hoRSEs aND go fiSHing. wE LOve ouR liFE anD Our KidS so MUch anD Can't reMEMber LIFe withOUt thEM!!!
Happy birthday baby girl. I love you so so so much. You always make me smile. Hope you have a great day.
Happy 3rd Birthday Jerzee, I hope that you have a WONDERFUL day.
Love seeing how she's grown up! Happy Birthday cute girl!
Happy Birthday Jerz!!!
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