Wednesday, July 23, 2008

boxer owners

Everyone that has boxers be careful. Right now there is someone out there that is stealing boxers. Our 2 cute boxers were stolen from our backyard. they were in there kennel and we had a lock on it and it was cut. Our female which is a black brindle was pregnant. so everyone that has them be careful our backdoor neighbors 2 boxers were stolen the night after ours. so everyone watch your dogs carefully:(


Tara- said...

Hi April I just found some HOT pictures of Edward- I'm obsessed I love these books... He's so dreamy

Anonymous said...

That seriously sucks because we have a boxer. We'll have to keep a good eye on him!

The Weaver's said...

WOW!! We have a boxer too so thanks for the heads up!! I am so sorry to hear about your dogs!