I can't believe my oldest is 10 where has the time gone. She is just like her mother. She loves the horses. Here she is riding her horse Foxy. She is getting better every time she rides.
weLComE to OUr bLOg. heRE is A liTTLe bIt abOUt uS. wE haVE beEN marRIEd foR 8 yeARs. We haVE 2 beaUTIful giRLS anD 2 haNDSOme boYS. wE loVE to HUnt wiTH ouR DOgs, rIDing ouR hoRSEs aND go fiSHing. wE LOve ouR liFE anD Our KidS so MUch anD Can't reMEMber LIFe withOUt thEM!!!
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