Monday, September 15, 2008

Congrats lindsey and lance

Jeff's sister Lindsey got married to lance on Sept. 12. It was a beautiful day. They both looked so beautiful. Jeff and I wanted to get our picture right here cause it was a pretty spot.
the kids had so much fun Aspyn kept saying she wanted to get married here cause they had pretty grounds
Aidan is so darn cute I love my boy
Congrats lance and lindsey.
We love you both!


Kara Howe said...

wow, you guys look fantastic! do you really have 3 kids! WHAT! i swear it was just yesterday that we were having to pull you and jeff off of eachother while you were smooching NON-STOP at our reception (that would be the first reception, haha)! holy crap how time flys!

Kimberly said...

Aw how cute!! You have a very beautiful family!! I can't believe how big all your kids are getting!! :)